Fire Dance Shadow Earring
Account Bound. A sacred earring that is said to protect the wearer. Brings out the wearer's potential. MaxHP +10 per refine rate. MaxHP + 5%. When refined to +7 or higher, additional MaxHP + 5%. When refined to +9 or higher, MaxHP + 2000, MaxSP + 200, increases long ranged physical damage by 7%. When equipped with Fire Dance Shadow Earring/Pendant/Shoes, Increases Fire Dance damage by half of the sum of the refine rate. When equipped with Rebellion Shadow Armor, Ignores 40% of physical defense of all races except the player, additionally ignores physical defense equal to the sum of the refine rate of Fire Dance Shadow Earring/Rebellion Shadow Armor. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Earring Weight: 0 Required Level: 99 Jobs: Gunslinger class