Raggler Card
Str/Vit +1 [If used with Zipper Bear, Baby Leopard, Myst Case, and Hylozoist Cards] Luk +10 Mammonite damage +20% SP +2 per attack [If the set is used by Merchant class] 20% chance of reflecting magic spells A chance of obtaining Old Purple Box when killing a monster [If used with Zipper Bear, Baby Leopard, Muka, and Holden Cards] Str +4 Mammonite damage +20% SP +1 per attack Max HP/SP +7% [If the set is used by Alchemist class] A chance of auto casting Adrenaline Rush 1 after a physical attack A low chance of obtaining Glistening Coat and/or Stem when killing a monster Class: Card Slot: Footwear Weight: 1