Database: Items
Illusion Combo Battle Glove [2]
The special writs of blessing written on these battle gloves cause Monks that follow the path of the God to inflict much stronger damage.
Class: Knuckle
Attack: 250
Weight: 50
Weapon Level: 4
Requires Level: 120
Usable By: Sura
Increases the damage of Sky Blow and Dragon Combo by 10%.
Increases the damage of Sky Blow and Dragon Combo by an additional 5% per 2 upgrade levels of the item.
Increases the damage of Tiger Cannon by 5% per 3 upgrade levels of the item.

Set Bonus
Illusion Combo Battle Glove[2]
Illusion Muffler[1]
Atk + 40
If the combined upgrade levels of Illusion Combo Battle Glove[2] and Illusion Muffler[1] are +7 or higher,
Increases the damage of Tiger Cannon by 20%.
If the combined upgrade levels are +18 or higher,
Reduces the cooldown of Flash Combo by 1 second.
If the combined upgrade levels are +22 or higher,
Increases the damage of Tiger Cannon by an additional 15%.
Enhances skill Sky Blow
Enhances skill Dragon Combo
Enhances skill Tiger Cannon
Price: 0 Ƶ
Combo_Battle_Glove_IL (#1846)