Database: Skills
Tiger Cannon
Tiger Cannon
Max LV: 10
Skill Requirement: Fallen Empire (LV 3)
Class: Active / Damage
Description: Deals damage to the target and
enemies around it. Damage varies according to
max HP and max SP. Consumes 2 Spirit
Spheres. Can only be used while Fury is active.
Damage increases if the skill is activated in a
sequence after Fallen Empire.

[LV 1] Area of Effect: 3x3 cells / Max HP +12%,
Max SP +6%

[LV 2] Area of Effect: 3x3 cells / Max HP +14%,
Max SP +7%

[LV 3] Area of Effect: 3x3 cells / Max HP +16%,
Max SP +8%

[LV 4] Area of Effect: 3x3 cells / Max HP +18%,
Max SP +9%

[LV 5] Area of Effect: 3x3 cells / Max HP +20%,
Max SP +10%

[LV 6] Area of Effect: 5x5 cells / Max HP +22%,
Max SP +11%

[LV 7] Area of Effect: 5x5 cells / Max HP +24%,
Max SP +12%

[LV 8] Area of Effect: 5x5 cells / Max HP +26%,
Max SP +13%

[LV 9] Area of Effect: 5x5 cells / Max HP +28%,
Max SP +14%

[LV 10] Area of Effect: 5x5 cells / Max HP +30%,
Max SP +15%

Max.Level: 10
SP Cost:

Related items:
Item Bonus
Illusion Combo Battle Glove Enhances skill
Focus Beret
Claws of the Bifrost Enhances skill
Delay after using the skill
Tiger Spirit Shadow Ring Reduces SP consumption for the skill
Tiger Spirit Shadow Pendant Enhances skill
Revived Claws of the Bifrost Enhances skill
Delay after using the skill
Temporal Circlet (Sura) Enhances skill

Allowed jobs: