[Envenom] Max Level: 10 Skill Form: Offensive (Poison) Target: Enemy Description: Cause Poison property damage to a target with an attack which has a chance of also inflicting the enemy with the Poisoned status. Consumes 12 SP regardles of skill level. [Lv 1]:+15 Atk, 14% Chance of Poisoning [Lv 2]:+30 Atk, 18% Chance of Poisoning [Lv 3]:+45 Atk, 22% Chance of Poisoning [Lv 4]:+60 Atk, 26% Chance of Poisoning [Lv 5]:+75 Atk, 30% Chance of Poisoning [Lv 6]:+90 Atk, 34% Chance of Poisoning [Lv 7]:+105 Atk, 38% Chance of Poisoning [Lv 8]:+120 Atk, 42% Chance of Poisoning [Lv 9]:+135 Atk, 46% Chance of Poisoning [Lv 10]:+150 Atk, 50% Chance of Poisoning |