Database: Skills
Lunatic Carrot Beat
[Lunatic Carrot Beat]
Max LV: 5
Skill Requirement: Scar of Tarou (LV 3)
Skill Form: Animal (ATK)
Target: Enemy
Description: Lunatic soul's unleashes a
destructive carrot storm at the enemies.

When using 1 Carrot, chance of stun effect will

[LV 1]: ATK +300% / Area of Effect: 3x3 cells
[LV 2]: ATK +400% / Area of Effect: 3x3 cells
[LV 3]: ATK +500% / Area of Effect: 5x5 cells
[LV 4]: ATK +600% / Area of Effect: 5x5 cells
[LV 5]: ATK +700% / Area of Effect: 7x7 cells

Max.Level: 5
SP Cost:

Related items:
Item Bonus
Shadow Doram Battler Shield Delay after using the skill
Enhances skill
Shadow Doram Battler Armor Enhances skill
Meowmeow Foxtail Enhances skill
Revived Meow Meow Foxtail Enhances skill

Allowed jobs: