Database: Skills
Bunch of Shrimp
[Bunch of Shrimp]
Max LV: 5
Skill Requirement: Fresh Shrimp (LV 3)
Skill Form: Seafood (Recovery)
Target: All group members on the screen
Description: Instantly restores a small amount of
HP and increases ATK and MATK by 10% by
absorbing a shrimp's soul.

Required 1 shrimp.
[LV 1]: Duration: 60 sec.
[LV 2]: Duration: 90 sec.
[LV 3]: Duration: 120 sec.
[LV 4]: Duration: 150 sec.
[LV 5]: Duration: 180 sec.

Max.Level: 5
SP Cost:

Related items:
Item Bonus
Fluffy Fish Shoes Variable skill preparation time
Shadow Doram Mage Shield Special bonuses upon activation

Allowed jobs: