Rune Mastery
Rune Mastery Max Level: 10 Skill Form: Passive Description: Rune Knights have gained the power to use Runes by acquiring Rune Mastery. This skill enables them to make Rune Stones and it affects the chance of success when making and using Rune Stones. 1 Rune Gemstone and 1 Branch of Elder will be consumed when making a Rune Stone and you need more material according to the type of Rune Stone. From Lv.5, you can make 1-2 Rune Stones at a time and from Lv.10, can make 1-3 Rune Stones. [Lv 1] Turisus Rune Stone -Kobold Hair 1 , Claw Of Desert Wolf 1 [Lv 2] Isia Rune Stone - Burning Heart 1 [Lv 3] Pertz Rune Stone - Light Granule 1, Tangled Chain 1, Dragon's Canine 1 [Lv 4] Hagalas Rune Stone - Round Shell 1, Dragon's Skin 1 [Lv 5] Asir Rune Stone - Light Granule 1, Ogre's Tooth 1 [Lv 6] Urj Rune Stone - Slender Snake 1, Honey 1 [Lv 7] Rhydo Rune Stone - Light Granule 1, Red Gemstone 1 [Lv 8] Nosiege Rune Stone - Light Granule 1, Broken Armor Piece 1, Old Magic Circle 1 [Lv 9] Verkana Rune Stone - Dullahan's Armor Piece 1 [Lv 10] Luxanima Rune Stone - Gold 3, Light Granule 3 / Increase the success rate of Rune stone creation |