Database: Items
Shadow Swordsman Gloves
Account Bound.
There are many legends about Chevalier d'Ombrage.
It is said that his fingers and wrists were covered in invisible steel.
ATK +10.
[For each refine lv]
ATK & MATK +1.
[If refined to +7 or higher]
Physical weapon damage +1%.
Shadow Set
Sh. Swordsman Gloves
Sh. Swordsman Ring
Sh. Swordsman Pendant
[For each refine lv of set items]
ATK +1.
[If total refine lv of set items +23 or higher]
Physical weapon damage +1%.
Class: Shadow Armor
Location: Weapon
Weight: 0
Required Level: 1
Job: All
Price: 10 Ƶ
S_Physical_Weapon (#24019)