Database: Items
Freezer Card
Max HP +300
[If the shoes are refined to +9 or higher]
Bash damage +10%
[If used with Assaulter, Permeter, Solider, and Heater Cards]
A chance of auto casting Weapon Perfection 1 after an attack
HP recovery rate +50%
A chance of obtainin Red Potion when killing a monster
Max HP +20%
Str +10
[If the set is used by Swordsman class]
Red/Yellow/White Potions restore 50% more HP.
[If used with Archdam, Permeter, and Heater Cards]
Str/Int +1
Def +2
SP recovery rate +10%
Rapid Smiting and Martyr's Reckoning damage +10%
Casting time -10%
[If the set is used by Crusader/Paladin]
Imbues armor with Holy property
Class: Card
Slot: Footwear
Weight: 1
Enhances skill Bash
Price: 20 Ƶ
Freezer_Card (#4319)