Database: Items
Technocracy Treasure
The secret society of mad scientists has decided to take over the world, and you have to join their army.
Take your combat gear from this box!
Open it and receive one of the following items:
- Orbodrones
- Digital Space
- Mobile Pursuit System
- Neuralizer Box
- Flying Drone
- Motion Accelerator
- Valkyrie Circlet
- Radiophone
- Inf. Giant Fly Wing
Box (1 h.)
- Dovmihr's Chest
- Blue Cat Headset
- Red Cat Headset
- Enriched Elunium x3
- Enriched Oridecon x3
- Bubblegum Battle
Manual x2
- HE Battle Manual x2
- HE Bubble Gum x2
- Poring Box x3
- Bloody Branch x2
- Spec. Life Insurance x6
- AGI Biscuit Stick x4
- DEX Biscuit Stick x4
- INT Biscuit Stick x4
- LUK Biscuit Stick x4
- STR Biscuit Stick x4
- VIT Biscuit Stick x4
- Spec. Blessing of
Tyr x10
- Guyak Pudding x30
- Aspd Potion x12
- Special Medium Life
Potion x20
- Special Token of
Ziegfried x5
- Spec. Mental Potion x7
- Universal Battle Manual
- Universal Job Manual
- Special Abrasive x11
- Special Kafra Card x14
- Yummy Skewered
- Grill x25
- Taoist Pills x15
- Big Bun x20
Weight: 1
Price: 0 Ƶ
219_Digiscroll_EUP (#101059)