Database: Skills
Song Of Mana
Song Of Mana
Max LV: 5
Skill Requirements: Swing Dance, Harmonize,
Lover Symphony, Windmill Rush, Moonlight
Serenade, Echo Song (LV 1)

Class: Active / Buff / Ensemble
Description: Requires a musical instrument or a
whip. Performs a song that helps with SP
circulation. Restores a certain percentage of SP
to self and party members in accordance with
the skill level. Also significantly increases SP
recovery. SP recovery varies according to the
character's Voice Lessons level. Consumes 1
Bitter Candy.

[LV 1] Area of Effect: 11x11 cells around the
character / SP Recovery Rate 10%, Base SP
Recovery Rate +50%

[LV 2] Area of Effect: 13x13 cells around the
character / SP Recovery Rate 10%, Base SP
Recovery Rate +100%

[LV 3] Area of Effect: 15x15 cells around the
character / SP Recovery Rate 15% / Base SP
Recovery Rate +150%

[LV 4] Area of Effect: 17x17 cells around the
character / SP Recovery Rate 15% / Base SP
Recovery Rate +200%

[LV 5] Area of Effect: 19x19 cells around the
character / SP Recovery Rate 20% / Base SP
Recovery Rate +250%

Max.Level: 5
SP Cost:

Allowed jobs: