Database: Skills
Lion's Howl
Lion's Howl
Max LV: 5
Skill Requirement: Power Absorb (LV 1),
Lightning Ride (LV 3)

Class: Active / Damage (special)
Description: Emits a deafening roar and deals
damage to all enemies around self. Has a
certain chance of applying Fear to them. If the
target being attacked is under the effect of the
Wanderer and Maestro songs, this effect is
cancelled. The number of Spirit Spheres
consumed varies according to the skill level.

[LV 1] Area of Effect: 7x7 cells / ATK 300% / Fear
Chance 10%

[LV 2] Area of Effect: 9x9 cells / ATK 600% / Fear
Chance 15%

[LV 3] Area of Effect: 11x11 cells / ATK 900% /
Fear Chance 20%

[LV 4] Area of Effect: 13x13 cells / ATK 1200% /
Fear Chance 25%

[LV 5] Area of Effect: 15x15 cells / ATK 1500% /
Fear Chance 30%

Max.Level: 5
SP Cost:

Related items:
Item Bonus
Wolf King Helm Allows you to use a skill
Devil's Hand Enhances skill
Variable skill preparation time
Delay after using the skill

Allowed jobs: