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Database: Skills
Spell Fist
Spell Fist Max Level: 10 Skill Requirement: Hindsight 4 Skill Form: Active / Special / Damage Description: Using this skill while casting Fire Bolt, Cold Bolt or Lightning Bolt cancels the Bolt casting and channels all the bolt's power into the caster's hands. While in this state, physical attacks deal the bolt magic damage. Additional damage increases with the skill level. The skill is canceled when the duration expires or when the max number of attacks is reached. [Lv 1] 15 sec. duration / 3 attacks [Lv 2] 20 sec. duration / 6 attacks [Lv 3] 25 sec. duration / 9 attacks [Lv 4] 30 sec. duration / 12 attacks [Lv 5] 35 sec. duration / 15 attacks [Lv 6] 40 sec. duration / 18 attacks [Lv 7] 45 sec. duration / 21 attacks [Lv 8] 50 sec. duration / 24 attacks [Lv 9] 55 sec. duration / 27 attacks [Lv 10] 60 sec. duration / 30 attacks