[Estun] Max Level: 7 Skill Requirement: Wizard Spirit 1 Skill Form: Magic Attack [Es-] Category: Can only be used on monsters. Description: Attempts to stun a targeted monster for 2 seconds. At skill level 7, Estun will have a 3 second delay that will allow the casting of the Esma skill. [Lv 1] 18 SP, 5% Damage [Lv 2] 20 SP, 10% Damage [Lv 3] 22 SP, 15% Damage [Lv 4] 24 SP, 20% Damage [Lv 5] 26 SP, 25% Damage [Lv 6] 28 SP, 30% Damage [Lv 7] 30 SP, 35% Damage |