[Esma] Max Level: 10 Skill Requirement: Estin 7, Estun 7 Skill Form: Magic Attack [Es-] Category: Can only be used on monsters. Description: This skill can be activated only when the Esma casting requirement is satisfied. One blast inflicts an amount of damage that is calculated as (40 + Base Level)% of a Magic Attack, that will take on the elemental property applied by the Mild Wind skill. SP Consumption and Number of Fired Blasts [Lv 1]:8 SP, 1 Blast [Lv 2]:16 SP, 2 Blasts [Lv 3]:24 SP, 3 Blasts [Lv 4]:32 SP, 4 Blasts [Lv 5]:40 SP, 5 Blasts [Lv 6]:48 SP, 6 Blasts [Lv 7]:56 SP, 7 Blasts [Lv 8]:64 SP, 8 Blasts [Lv 9]:72 SP, 9 Blasts [Lv 10]:80 SP, 10 Blasts |