Database: Skills
Full Moon Kick
[Full Moon Kick]
Max LV: 10
Skill Requirement: New Moon Kick (LV 7)
Skill Form: Attack / Special
Description: Lunar skill.
Available if the New Moon status is active.
Immediately cancels New Moon, deals damage
to surrounding targets and blinds them with a
certain chance.

Attack power depends on the Base Level.
[LV 1] ATK 1200% / Range: 7x7 cells
[LV 2] ATK 1300% / Range: 7x7 cells
[LV 3] ATK 1400% / Range: 7x7 cells
[LV 4] ATK 1500% / Range: 7x7 cells
[LV 5] ATK 1600% / Range: 7x7 cells
[LV 6] ATK 1700% / Range: 7x7 cells
[LV 7] ATK 1800% / Range: 7x7 cells
[LV 8] ATK 1900% / Range: 7x7 cells
[LV 9] ATK 2000% / Range: 7x7 cells
[LV 10] ATK 2100% / Range: 7x7 cells

Max.Level: 10
SP Cost:

Related items:
Item Bonus
Emperor's Shadow Armor Enhances skill

Allowed jobs: