Database: Skills
Solar, Lunar and Stellar Opposition
Solar, Lunar and Stellar Opposition
Max Level: 3
Skill Form: Designation
Description: Designate the targeted monster
with one of the cosmic alignments, Solar, Lunar
Stellar, for the use of certain skills. It is
impossible to change a monster's cosmic
alignment once it is designated. Using this skill
on a cosmically aligned monster will display a
list of monster designations.

Only 1 monster can be designated for
each cosmic alignment.

[Lv 1] Designate monster with Solar alignment.
Limited to Small sized monsters.

[Lv 2] Designate monster with Lunar alignment.
Limited to Medium sized monsters with Max HP
of 6,000 or more.

[Lv 3] Designate monster with Stellar alignment.
Limited to Large sized monsters with Max HP of
20,000 or more. On players, character jobs can
be designated without regarding size and
Max HP.

Max.Level: 3
SP Cost:

Allowed jobs: