Solar, Lunar and Stellar Opposition
Solar, Lunar and Stellar Opposition Max Level: 3 Skill Form: Designation Description: Designate the targeted monster with one of the cosmic alignments, Solar, Lunar or Stellar, for the use of certain skills. It is impossible to change a monster's cosmic alignment once it is designated. Using this skill on a cosmically aligned monster will display a list of monster designations. Only 1 monster can be designated for each cosmic alignment. [Lv 1] Designate monster with Solar alignment. Limited to Small sized monsters. [Lv 2] Designate monster with Lunar alignment. Limited to Medium sized monsters with Max HP of 6,000 or more. [Lv 3] Designate monster with Stellar alignment. Limited to Large sized monsters with Max HP of 20,000 or more. On players, character jobs can be designated without regarding size and Max HP. |