Database: Skills
Max Level: 5
Skill Requirement: Shadow Spell 7 / Deadly
Infection 5 / Masquerade-Unlucky 3

Skill Form: Active / Buff
Description: Make yourself invisible. You can
attack enemies during invisible state but the
property of attack becomes Ghost Property level
1. It keeps consuming caster's SP and also
other skill or items can not be used while the
skill is casted. Skill is canceled if SP becomes 0.
Ignore some of detect skills.

[Lv 1]: Critical +20% / Attack Speed decrease
40% / Consume SP in a sec. 10%

[Lv 2]: Critical +40% / Attack Speed decrease
30% / Consume SP in a sec. 8%

[Lv 3]: Critical +60% / Attack Speed decrease
20% / Consume SP in a sec. 6%

[Lv 4]: Critical +80% / Attack Speed decrease
10% / Consume SP in a sec. 5%

[Lv 5]: Critical +100% / Attack Speed decrease
0% / Consume SP in a sec. 2%

Max.Level: 5
SP Cost:

Allowed jobs: