Database: Skills
Hit Barrel
[Heat Barrel (Acceleration Bullet)]
Max LV: 5
Skill Requirement: Rich's Coin (Fortune of the
Rich) (LV 1)

Skill Form: Support
Description: Decrease Fixed Casting and
increase Attack Speed and Attack Strength at the
cost of your Evasion and all your Coins.

The Fixed Casting reduction and Attack Damage
gain is affected by the number of spent Coins.

Switching to different equipment during this
skill's effect immediately cancels the skill.

The skill cannot be used together with Last
Stand and Platinum Altar (White Gold Altar).

[LV 1] ASPD +1 / HIT -30 / Duration: 60 sec.
[LV 2] ASPD +2 / HIT -35 / Duration: 60 sec.
[LV 3] ASPD +3 / HIT -40 / Duration: 60 sec.
[LV 4] ASPD +4 / HIT -45 / Duration: 60 sec.
[LV 5] ASPD +5 / HIT -50 / Duration: 60 sec.

Max.Level: 5
SP Cost:

Related items:
Item Bonus
Rebellion's Scarf Delay after using the skill
Shadow Rebellion Armor Delay after using the skill
Crimson Rose Special bonuses upon activation
Illusion Gold Revolver Delay after using the skill
Revived Crimson Rose Special bonuses upon activation
Royal Revolver Delay after using the skill

Allowed jobs: