Database: Skills
Vanishing Buster
[Vanishing Buster (Exile)]
Max LV: 10
Skill Requirement: Shattering Storm (Grinding
Storm) (LV 1)

Skill Form: Attack / Special
Description: A Shotgun skill.
Inflicts damage on a target, and removes
random buffs from them.

The damage increases according to the caster's
Base Level.

Consumes 1 Bullet.
[LV 1] ATK 1200% / Buff Remove Chance 55%
[LV 2] ATK 1400% / Buff Remove Chance 60%
[LV 3] ATK 1600% / Buff Remove Chance 65%
[LV 4] ATK 1800% / Buff Remove Chance 70%
[LV 5] ATK 2000% / Buff Remove Chance 75%
[LV 6] ATK 2200% / Buff Remove Chance 80%
[LV 7] ATK 2400% / Buff Remove Chance 85%
[LV 8] ATK 2600% / Buff Remove Chance 90%
[LV 9] ATK 2800% / Buff Remove Chance 95%
[LV 10] ATK 3000% / Buff Remove Chance 100%

Max.Level: 10
SP Cost:

Related items:
Item Bonus
Dustfire Enhances skill
Calf Anaconda Enhances skill
Reduces SP consumption for the skill
Sharpshooter's Shadow Boots Enhances skill
Revived Demon's Shot Enhances skill
Temporal Circlet (Rebellion) Enhances skill

Allowed jobs: