Sightless Mind
[Sightless Mind] Max Level: 5 Skill Requirement: Stalk 2, Back Stab 2 Skill Form: Active Range: 7 cells around the caster Description: Usable only while in the Hiding status. Cancels Hiding once used. Has a chance of stunning and blinding targets within the skill's range. Targets start getting 30% increased damage for 10 sec, after they are hit by [Sightless Mind], bosses 15%. Consumes 15 SP regardless of the skill level. [Lv 1]: 13% Stun/Blind Chance, 200% Atk [Lv 2]: 16% Stun/Blind Chance, 350% Atk [Lv 3]: 19% Stun/Blind Chance, 500% Atk [Lv 4]: 22% Stun/Blind Chance, 650% Atk [Lv 5]: 25% Stun/Blind Chance, 800% Atk |