Database: Skills
Max Level: 5
Skill Requirement: Kyrie Eleison 4, Magnificat 3
Skill Form: Eulogy
Description: Add +30 LUK to the caster and party
members for the duration of the skill.
Consumes 20 SP regardless of skill level.

[Lv 1]:10 sec duration
[Lv 2]:15 sec duration
[Lv 3]:20 sec duration
[Lv 4]:25 sec duration
[Lv 5]:30 sec duration

Max.Level: 5
SP Cost:

Related items:
Item Bonus
Sweet Candy Uses the skill on himself
Grand Peco Card Chance to activate the skill
Puppy Hat Chance to use a skill
Puppy Hat Chance to use a skill when attacking
Mysterious Can Mackerel Flavor Uses the skill on himself

Allowed jobs: