Database: Skills
Soul Siphon
[Soul Siphon]
Max Level: 5
Skill Requirements: Cast Cancel 5, Dispell 3,
Magic Rod 3

Skill Form: Offensive
Description: Casts a spell that has a chance of
draining the target's SP. At level 5, the skill also
inflicts the amount of damage equal to double of
the target's drained SP. However, in case of
failure, the damage will be dealt to the caster
instead. The skill can be used only in WoE
battles and PvP zones. Cooldown: 15 sec.

[Lv. 1] 40% Success Rate
[Lv. 2] 50% Success Rate
[Lv. 3] 60% Success Rate
[Lv. 4] 70% Success Rate
[Lv. 5] 70% Success Rate

Max.Level: 5
SP Cost:

Allowed jobs: