Database: Skills
Gloria Domini
[Gloria Domini]
Max Level: 5
Skill Requirement: Endure 5, Faith 5, Smite 2
Skill Form: Active
Description: Summon a massive crucifix to crush
enemies. This skill inflicts a fixed amount of
damage, depending on the skill's level, which
ignores Defense and Attack Power. On other
players, this skill will also drain SP.
Gloria Domini cannot be cancelled by any

[Lv 1]: 800 Damage
[Lv 2]: 1,100 Damage
[Lv 3]: 1,400 Damage
[Lv 4]: 1,700 Damage
[Lv 5]: 2,000 Damage

Max.Level: 5
SP Cost:

Related items:
Item Bonus
Glorious Spear Chance to use a skill when attacking
Glorious Lance Chance to use a skill when attacking
Ring Of Flame Lord Chance to use a skill when attacking
Advanced Ring Of Flame Lord Chance to use a skill when attacking
Glorious Holy Avenger Chance to use a skill
Angry Moonlight Flower Card Allows you to use a skill
Allows you to use a skill
Blade of Light Enhances skill
Noble Mask
Farthezan Enhances skill
Revived Blade of Light Enhances skill

Allowed jobs: