Database: Skills
Throw Coins
Throw Coins
Max LV: 10
Skill Requirement: Dagger Throwing Practice (LV
10), Throw Huuma Shuriken (LV 5)

Type: Active
Class: Special Attack (Long Range)
Target: 1 target
Description: Throws a coin that deals damage
and lowers enemy DEF. Skill strength varies
according to the coin's value.
Damage dealt to players is reduced by 1/3,
damage to bosses by 1/2.

[LV 1] Cost: 500-1000 zeny
[LV 2] Cost: 1000-2000 zeny
[LV 3] Cost: 1500-3000 zeny
[LV 4] Cost: 2000-4000 zeny
[LV 5] Cost: 2500-5000 zeny
[LV 6] Cost: 3000-6000 zeny
[LV 7] Cost: 3500-7000 zeny
[LV 8] Cost: 4000-8000 zeny
[LV 9] Cost: 4500-9000 zeny
[LV 10] Cost: 5000-10 000 zeny

Max.Level: 10
SP Cost:

Allowed jobs: