Database: Skills
Flip Tatami
Max LV: 5
Type: Active
Class: Short-ranged physical damage
Target: Character
Description: Attacks the enemy with a tatami that
affects a 4x4 cell area around the character.
If the tatami hits an enemy, the enemy is
knocked back 5 cells. A Pneuma effect triggers at
the location that the skill was used, lasting 3 sec.

[LV 1] Range: 1 cell, ATK +110%
[LV 2] Range: 2 cells, ATK 120%
[LV 3] Range: 2 cells, ATK +130%
[LV 4] Range: 3 cells, ATK 140%
[LV 5] Range: 3 cells, ATK 150%

Max.Level: 5
SP Cost:

Allowed jobs: