Database: Skills
Throw Huuma Shuriken
Throw Huuma Shuriken
Max LV: 5
Skill Requirement: Dagger Throwing Practice (LV
5), Throw Kunai (LV 5)

Type: Active
Class: Ranged physical damage
Target: 1 target
Description: Throws a large shuriken, attacking
the target and anyone nearby.
The area of effect increases according to the skill
level. Preparation cannot be cancelled even with
an attack.

[LV 1] ATK 200% / Area of Effect: 3x3 cells
[LV 2] ATK 450% / Area of Effect: 3x3 cells
[LV 3] ATK 700% / Area of Effect: 3x3 cells
[LV 4] ATK 950% / Area of Effect: 5x5 cells
[LV 5] ATK 1200% /Area of Effect: 5x5 cells

Max.Level: 5
SP Cost:

Related items:
Item Bonus
Huuma Calm Mind Enhances skill
Glorious Shuriken Chance to use a skill
Rasen Fuma's Orb Enhances skill

Allowed jobs: