Database: Skills
Exploding Dragon
Exploding Dragon
Max LV: 5
Skill Requirement: Ninja Mastery (LV 10, Blaze
Shield (LV 7)

Type: Active
Class: MATK
Target: 1 target
Description: Consumes 1 Flame Stone and
deals Fire property magic damage in a 5x5 cell
area of effect around the caster and targets.

[LV 1] MATK 300%
[LV 2] MATK 450%
[LV 3] MATK 600%
[LV 4] MATK 750%
[LV 5] MATK 900%

Max.Level: 5
SP Cost:

Related items:
Item Bonus
Shinobi Sash H Enhances skill
Great Shinobi Sash Enhances skill

Allowed jobs: