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Database: Skills
Windmill Rush
Windmill Rush Max LV: 5 Skill Requirement: Deep Sleep Lullaby (LV 1) Class: Active / Buff Target: Party members in the area of effect Description: Increases ATK and Movement Speed for the character and all party members around them in a 31x31 cell area of effect. Does not stack with other Maestro ensemble skills. Requires a musical instrument. Effect increases according to the level of Voice Lessons. Consumes 1 Bitter Candy. [LV 1] ATK +7, additional damage according to the level of Voice Lessons [LV 2] ATK +10, additional damage according to the level of Voice Lessons [LV 3] ATK +13%, additional damage according to the level of Voice Lessons [LV 4] ATK +15%, additional damage according to the level of Voice Lessons [LV 5] ATK +20, additional damage according to the level of Voice Lessons