Database: Skills
Spear Dynamo
[Spear Dynamo]
Max Level: 5
Skill Requirement: Increase HP Recovery 5,
Spear Mastery 5, Peco Peco Riding 1

Skill Form: Supportive
Description: When activated, this skill endows
the caster with the Endure effect and increased
Attack Power and Accuracy, but will also
temporarily reduce Defense.

[Lv 1]: Accuracy +10%, ATK +5%, DEF -5%
[Lv 2]: Accuracy +20%, ATK +10%, DEF -10%
[Lv 3]: Accuracy +30%, ATK +15%, DEF -15%
[Lv 4]: Accuracy +40%, ATK +20%, DEF -20%
[Lv 5]: Accuracy +50%, ATK +25%, DEF -25%

Max.Level: 5
SP Cost:

Related items:
Item Bonus
Glorious Claymore Chance to use a skill when attacking

Allowed jobs: