Database: Skills
Mystical Amplification
[Mystical Amplification]
Max Level: 10
Skill Form: Supportive
Description: Amplify the Magic Attack Power of
the next magic skill that is cast.

[Lv 1]: Matk +5%
[Lv 2]: Matk +10%
[Lv 3]: Matk +15%
[Lv 4]: Matk +20%
[Lv 5]: Matk +25%
[Lv 6]: Matk +30%
[Lv 7]: Matk +35%
[Lv 8]: Matk +40%
[Lv 9]: Matk +45%
[Lv 10]: Matk +50%

Max.Level: 10
SP Cost:

Related items:
Item Bonus
RWC Memory Staff
Staff of Destruction Variable skill preparation time
Ahura Mazdah Allows you to use a skill
Evilspirit Gloves
Mystical Amplification Scroll Uses the skill on himself
Thieves' Guide Vol. 1 Allows you to use a skill

Allowed jobs: