Gravitational Field
Gravitational Field Max Level: 5 Skill Requirement: Quagmire 1, Stave Crasher 1, Mystical Amplification 10 Target: Ground Description: Increase the gravity in a 5*5 cell area around a targeted spot which will decrease the Movement and Attack Speeds of enemies within range, as well as cause continuous damage that will pierce Defense. This skill's effect on Movement and Attack Speeds does not apply to Boss monsters. When skill is active, the caster's movement and attacks are disabled. Each cast requires 1 Blue Gemstone. 2 second Cast Delay. [Lv 1] 5 sec. duration, Enemy Speed -5%, 600 damage/sec. [Lv 2] 6 sec. duration, Enemy Speed -10%, 700 damage/sec. [Lv 3] 7 sec. duration, Enemy Speed -15%, 800 damage/sec. [Lv 4] 8 sec. duration, Enemy Speed -20%, 900 damage/sec. [Lv 5] 9 sec. duration, Enemy Speed -25%, 1,000 damage/sec. |