Database: Skills
Cart Tornado
Cart Tornado
Max Level: 10
Skill Requirement: Cart Remodeling 1
Skill Form: Active / Damage
Description: Spins the cart dealing damage to
enemies in the 2 cell area around the caster.
Requires a cart.
The damage depends on the Cart Remodeling
level and cart weight.

[Lv 1] ATK 100%
[Lv 2] ATK 200%
[Lv 3] ATK 300%
[Lv 4] ATK 400%
[Lv 5] ATK 500%
[Lv 6] ATK 600%
[Lv 7] ATK 700%
[Lv 8] ATK 800%
[Lv 9] ATK 900%
[Lv 10] ATK 1000%

Max.Level: 10
SP Cost:

Related items:
Item Bonus
true Flamel Emure Card Enhances skill
Cylinder Hairband SP cost when using a skill
Enhances skill
Shadow Genetic Gloves Enhances skill
Paracelsus Glove Enhances skill
Chemical Glove SP cost when using a skill
Enhances skill
Slate Sword Enhances skill
Illusion War Axe Enhances skill
Revived Slate Sword Enhances skill
Temporal Circlet (Geneticist) Enhances skill

Allowed jobs: