Aid Condensed Potion
Aid Condensed Potion Max Level: 10 Skill Requirement: Aid Potion 5 Skill Form: Supportive Description: Consume one Condensed Potion to heal all Party Members within a 7*7 cell area around the targeted spot. Potion Efficiency & Required Condensed Potion [Lv 1] 110%, [Red] [Lv 2] 120%, [Red] [Lv 3] 130%, [Red] [Lv 4] 140%, [Red] [Lv 5] 150%, [Red] [Lv 6] 160%, [Yellow] [Lv 7] 170%, [Yellow] [Lv 8] 180%, [Yellow] [Lv 9] 190%, [Yellow] [Lv 10] 200%, [White] |