Database: Skills
Hermode's Rod
[Hermode's Rod]
Max Level: 5
Skill Requirements:
Minstrel: Improve Concentration 10,
Music Lessons 10
Gypsy: Improve Concentration 10,
Dance Lessons 10

Description: The skill can only be used near
Warp Portals on the castle maps during WoE.
Hermode's Rod cancels all positive statuses,
aside from Berserk, from all friendly targets
except for the caster, and blocks any magic
spells cast on them. No one including the caster
can use any skills for the effects's duration.
Hermode's Rod is cancelled upon leaving its
effective range.

[Lv. 1] Duration: 10 sec.
[Lv. 2] Duration: 15 sec.
[Lv. 3] Duration: 20 sec.
[Lv. 4] Duration: 25 sec.
[Lv. 5] Duration: 30 sec.

Max.Level: 5
SP Cost:

Allowed jobs: