Database: Skills
Weapon Perfection
[Weapon Perfection]
Max Level: 5
Skill Requirement: Adrenaline Rush 2,
Weaponry Research 2

Skill Form: Supportive
Description: Nullify any reduction in damage
resulting from monster size.

[Lv 1]:18sp, 10 sec duration
[Lv 2]:16sp, 20 sec duration
[Lv 3]:14sp, 30 sec duration
[Lv 4]:12sp, 40 sec duration
[Lv 5]:10sp, 50 sec duration

Max.Level: 5
SP Cost:

Related items:
Item Bonus
Naqsi Allows you to use a skill
Orc Hero Headdress Chance to use a skill
RWC Memory Knife Chance to use a skill
RWC Memory Mace Chance to use a skill
Shadow Blacksmith Armor Special bonuses upon activation

Allowed jobs: