Database: Skills
Maximize Power
[Maximize Power]
Max Level: 5
Skill Requirements: Weapon Perfection 3,
Power Thrust 2

Skill Form: Supportive
Description: Amplifies weapon attack power by
continuously draining a specific amount of SP for
the skill duration. While the effect is active,
SP regeneration is disabled. The skill is
cancelled by using it once again.

[Lv. 1] Drains 1 SP every 1 sec.
[Lv. 2] Drains 1 SP every 2 sec.
[Lv. 3] Drains 1 SP every 3 sec.
[Lv. 4] Drains 1 SP every 4 sec.
[Lv. 5] Drains 1 SP every 5 sec.

Max.Level: 5
SP Cost:

Related items:
Item Bonus
Naqsi Allows you to use a skill
Enforcer Shoes Allows you to use a skill

Allowed jobs: