[Angelus] Max Level: 10 Skill Requirement: Divine Protection 3 Skill Form: Supportive Description: Increase the Defense from VIT and Max HP of the entire party including caster's, for the skill's duration. [Lv 1]: VIT Defense+ 5%, max HP+ 50, Duration: 30sec [Lv 2]: VIT Defense+10%, max HP+100, Duration: 60sec [Lv 3]: VIT Defense+15%, max HP+150, Duration: 90sec [Lv 4]: VIT Defense+20%, max HP+200, Duration:120sec [Lv 5]: VIT Defense+25%, max HP+250, Duration:150sec [Lv 6]: VIT Defense+30%, max HP+300, Duration:180sec [Lv 7]: VIT Defense+35%, max HP+350, Duration:210sec [Lv 8]: VIT Defense+40%, max HP+400, Duration:240sec [Lv 9]: VIT Defense+45%, max HP+450, Duration:270sec [Lv10]: VIT Defense+50%, max HP+500, Duration:300sec |