Database: Skills
Max LV: 10
Skill Requirement: Turn Undead (LV 1)
Type: Holy property magic
Description: Inflicts Holy property magic damage
on the target and all targets within the 3 cells
around the main target.
The damage increases with the user's base

[LV 1] MATK 340%
[LV 2] MATK 380%
[LV 3] MATK 420%
[LV 4] MATK 460%
[LV 5] MATK 500%
[LV 6] MATK 540%
[LV 7] MATK 580%
[LV 8] MATK 620%
[LV 9] MATK 660%
[LV 10] MATK 700%

Max.Level: 10
SP Cost:

Related items:
Item Bonus
Shoes Of Judgement Enhances skill
SP consumption when using a skill
Hero Judgement Shawl Enhances skill
Old Mitra Enhances skill
Sacred Crown SP cost when using a skill
Enhances skill
Variable skill preparation time
Shoes Of Punishment Enhances skill
Lucis Flail Chance to use a skill when attacking
Ponitendtia Enhances skill
Revived All-Holy Book Enhances skill
Chance to use a skill when attacking

Allowed jobs: