[Epiclesis] Max Level: 5 Skill Requirement: Ancilla (LV 1), High Heal (LV 1) Skill Form: Summon Description: Summon the Tree of Life that revives any dead characters within 5x5 cell range of the tree, while increasing MaxHP and recovering HP and SP. Consumes 1 Ancilla and 1 Holy Water. [Lv 1] MHP +5% Recover 3% HP per 3 sec., SP Recovery by 2 % [Lv 2] MHP +10% Recover 3% HP per 3 sec., SP Recovery by 2 % [Lv 3] MHP +15% Recover 4 % HP per 3 sec., SP Recovery by 3 % [Lv 4] MHP +20% Recover 4 % HP per 3 sec., SP Recovery by 3 % [Lv 5] MHP +25% Recover 5 % HP per 3 sec., SP Recovery by 4 % |