Database: Items
Tuna Box1
A box that has a Butter Fish (1 hour rental)
Rental Item
A high quality fish that is being used as a club since it is frozen solid.
When melee Attacking, it casts stun or autocasts bash level 5 (If higher level of Bash is learned uses that level instead.)
Has a chance to freeze its wearer at low rate.
if base Lv is over Lv 100, add ATK + 20.
if Base LV over 100 , ATK + 20.
Class: Mace
Attack: 180
Weight: 0
Weapon Level: 1
Required Level: 50
Jobs: SwordsmanClass/acolyteClass/merchantClass
Weight: 1
Price: 20 Ƶ
Tuna_Box1 (#16747)