Database: Items
Adventurer Pack
Account Bound.
A pack of consumables to
aid the adventurer on the
long journey.
10 Battle Manual
10 Bubble Gum
20 Lv 10 Agi Scroll
20 Lv 10 Blessing Scroll
10 Token Of Siegfried
10 Life Insurance
5 Kafra Card
10 Stew of Immortality
10 Hwegelmir's Tonic
10 Steamed Scorpion
10 Cooked Nine Tail's Tails
10 Steamed Tongue
10 Dragon Breath Cocktail
Adventurer Pack can not be
traded, dropped, or sold;
it can be stored.
Weight: 1
Price: 20 Ƶ
F_Pet_Egg_Scroll9 (#16420)