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Database: Items
Emerald Ring [1]
A beautiful ring with a big shiny emerald inserted into it. Agi + 5 Additional Agi + 1 per 2 levels of Double Strafe known. Vit + 5 Additional Vit + 1 per 2 levels of Double Strafe known. Dex + 5 Additional Dex + 1 per 2 levels of Double Strafe known. Atk + 20 per 2 levels of Double Strafe known. Increases the damage of Arrow Shower and Double Strafe by 1% for every base level. Increases the damage of Severe Rainstorm by 2% for every 10 base levels. Class: Accessory Weight: 30 Requires Level: 100 Usable By: All Jobs
Enhances skill Double Strafe Enhances skill Arrow Shower SP cost when using a skill Improvised Song Enhances skill