Database: Items
Level 10 Cookbook
[Level 10 Recipes]
The book details the classified culinary secrets of Prontera's greatest royal chefs.
true masters only.
- Steamed Tongue
20 Tongues
1 Pot
1 Alcohol
2 Aloe Vera
1 Spicy Sauce
5 Royal Jellys
10 Yggdrasil Leaves
2 Blue Potions
- Dragon Breath Cocktail
10 Maneater Roots
1 Singing Plant
5 Aloe Leaflets
5 Royal Jellys
5 Lemons
5 Prickly Fruits
1 Yggdrasil berry
10 Blue Herb
- Hwergelmir's Tonic
1 Yggdrasil berries
10 Ice Cubics
10 Bacilluses
4 Royal Jellys
3 Concentration Potions
5 Alcohols
2 Prickly Fruits
1 Illusion Flower
- Steamed Scorpion
20 Scorpion Tails
20 Scorpion Claws
2 Aloe Veras
3 Yggdrasil Leaves
3 Bitter Herbs
10 Royal Jellys
1 Spicy Sauce
1 Pot
- Stew of Immortality
20 Immortal Hearts
10 Mementos
1 Yggdrasil Seed
2 Anodynes
10 Hearts of Mermaid
2 Spicy Sauces
10 Amulets
2 Bitter Herbs
- Cooked Nine
Tail's Tails
10 Nine Tails
2 Four Leaf Clovers
10 Maneater Roots
10 Sharp Leaves
4 Yggdrasil Leaves
1 Savory Sauce
1 Yellow Spice
2 Izidors
Weight: 1
Price: 1000 Ƶ
Cookbook10 (#7481)