Database: Items
Level 8 Cookbook
[Level 8 Recipes]
The recipes within should only be attempted by an experienced chef.
- Bearfoot Special
20 Bear's Footskins
10 Carrots
10 Jack o' Pumpkins
2 Aloe Leaflets
1 Hinalle Leaflet
1 Savory Sauce
- Royal Family Tea
4 Prickly Fruits
10 Hinalle Leaflets
3 Yggdrasil Leaves
10 Aloe Leaflets
6 Royal Jellys
1 Yellow Spice
- Special Toast
10 Breads
2 Royal Jellys
5 Meats
10 Strawberries
1 Spicy Sauce
10 Cheeses
1 Sweet Sauce
- Incredibly Spicy Curry
1 Aloe Vera
1 Spicy Sauce
10 Meats
10 Hinalle Leaflets
10 Jack o' Pumpkins
10 Carrots
- Giant Burito
20 Fig Leaves
20 Meats
5 Rainbow Carrots
10 Jack o' Pumpkins
1 Savory Sauce
2 Bags of Grain
- Strawberry Flavored
Rice Ball
10 Strawberries
5 Bags of Grain
10 Fig Leaves
1 Yellow Spice
2 Red Spice
1 Savory Sauce
Weight: 1
Price: 1000 Ƶ
Cookbook08 (#7479)