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Level 8 Cookbook
[Level 8 Recipes] The recipes within should only be attempted by an experienced chef. ------------- - Bearfoot Special 20 Bear's Footskins 10 Carrots 10 Jack o' Pumpkins 2 Aloe Leaflets 1 Hinalle Leaflet 1 Savory Sauce ------------- - Royal Family Tea 4 Prickly Fruits 10 Hinalle Leaflets 3 Yggdrasil Leaves 10 Aloe Leaflets 6 Royal Jellys 1 Yellow Spice ------------- - Special Toast 10 Breads 2 Royal Jellys 5 Meats 10 Strawberries 1 Spicy Sauce 10 Cheeses 1 Sweet Sauce ------------- - Incredibly Spicy Curry 1 Aloe Vera 1 Spicy Sauce 10 Meats 10 Hinalle Leaflets 10 Jack o' Pumpkins 10 Carrots ------------- - Giant Burito 20 Fig Leaves 20 Meats 5 Rainbow Carrots 10 Jack o' Pumpkins 1 Savory Sauce 2 Bags of Grain ------------- - Strawberry Flavored Rice Ball 10 Strawberries 5 Bags of Grain 10 Fig Leaves 1 Yellow Spice 2 Red Spice 1 Savory Sauce ------------- Weight: 1