Database: Items
Level 5 Cookbook
[Level 5 Recipes]
Recipes for expert chefs - create cuisine
with transcendent scents and flavors! Good luck!
- Lutie Lady's Pancake
10 Potatos
2 Honeys
1 Cooking Oil
3 Carrots
1 Bag of Grain
- Mastela Fruit Wine
4 Mastela Fruits
1 Blue Potion
2 Alcohols
2 Lemons
1 Yellow Spice
- Green Salad
2 Hinalle Leaflets
3 Aloe Leaflets
10 Sharp Leaves
6 Huge Leaves
1 Sweet Sauce
1 Yellow Spice
- Steamed Bat Wing
in Pumpkin
20 Red Bat Wings
20 Jack o' Pumpkins
1 Pot
10 Hinalle Leaflets
10 Red Herbs
- Spicy Fried Bao
20 Baos
10 Yellow Herbs
1 Spicy Sauce
1 Red Spice
20 Green Herbs
- Fried Scorpion Tails
20 Scorpion Tails
10 Bug Leg
10 Huge Leaf
2 Old Frying Pan
1 Cooking Oil
Weight: 1
Price: 1000 Ƶ
Cookbook05 (#7476)