Database: Items
Level 2 Cookbook
[Level 2 Recipes]
Anyone can make tasty, homestyle cooking with these recipes.
- Seasoned Sticky Webfoot
20 Sticky Webfoots
10 Green Herbs
10 Yellow Herbs
1 Savory Sauce
- Autumn Red Tea
5 Blue Herbs
10 Red Herbs
10 Yellow Herbs
- Chocolate Mousse Cake
10 Cocoa
1 Piece of Cake
1 Milk
1 China
- Smooth Noodle
1 Bag of Grain
1 Savory Sauce
5 Jack o' Pumpkins
3 Carrots
- Assorted Seafood
10 Clam Fleshes
5 Gills
5 Fins
1 Fresh Fish
- Mixed Juice
3 Apple Juices
2 Carrot Juices
1 Grape Juice
2 Orange Juices
Weight: 1
Price: 1000 Ƶ
Cookbook02 (#7473)