Illusion Book of the Apocalypse [2]
A book that details prophesies concerning the end of the world. Class: Book Attack: 170 Property: Shadow Weight: 80 Weapon Level: 4 Requires Level: 100 Usable By: Arch Bishop, Sorcerer Increases physical damage on Water, Earth, Fire, and Wind property targets by 10%. Increases physical damage by an additional 10% per 3 upgrade levels of the item up to a maximum upgrade level of 10.
Increases damage taken from Holy property enemies by 30%.
Set Bonus Illusion Skull Ring[1] Illusion Book of the Apocalypse[2] Aspd + 8% Increases critical damage on targets by 5% for every 2 upgrade levels of Illusion Book of the Apocalypse[2]. If Illusion Book of the Apocalypse[2] upgrade level is +9 or higher, Crit + 15 Immune to Curse. If Illusion Book of the Apocalypse[2] upgrade level is +11 or higher, Atk + 100