Illusion of Vampire

Quest Information

Level Requirement Base Level 130 and above
Rewards 1. 2,000,000 Base and 2,000,000 Job EXP  
2. Illusion Stone
3. Access to Daily Quests 


Quest Steps

1. At the entrance to Geffen’s gloomy catacombs, speak to Grimm /navi gef_dun01 132/223. Mojo, a young mage, is persistently asking him for a diary. Grimm refuses, fearing she’ll run off with it. Their argument escalates until Mojo proposes that you mediate. Agree to help.  



2. Speak to Grimm again and listen to his account of the catacombs’ origin and the curse that haunts them. He will give you the diary to study.  

3. After reading the diary, you’ll learn about a young woman who sought to enhance her health through magic and experiments in the catacombs but encountered unsettling events.  

4. Speak with Grimm once more. He reveals that the diary is infused with its owner’s spiritual energy, creating an entire world within. A group of people had previously entered this distortion but never returned, leaving the priest deeply worried.  

5. When you’re ready, talk to Grimm to be transported into the diary’s world.  

6. In the distorted zone, speak to Gem /navi gef_d01_i 113/230. She will inform you that two members of their group, Priest Jubilee and Wizard Jojo, are missing in the catacombs. Accompany Marina to search for them.  



7. Inside the catacombs, find Priest Jubilee /navi gef_d01_i 250/164, who is injured and unable to move. He explains that he and Wizard Jojo were investigating the area when Jojo disappeared after a mysterious fungal explosion.



Marina will escort Jubilee to safety while you search for the missing mage.  



8. Speak to the Wizard /navi gef_d01_i 81/135. She introduces herself as Bomi and admits that the diary is hers. When you ask why she discarded it, Bomi reveals she became a vampire due to her best friend’s betrayal.  



9. After Bomi gathers her thoughts, talk to her again. She recounts her story: how she saved Dracula, became his friend, but was turned into a vampire when he broke his promise. She then asks for your help in creating artificial blood by gathering 10 Sticky Blood from Circling Matte Drainliar and 10 Mushroom Sap from Neon Mushroom.  

10. Collect 10x Mushroom Sap and 10x Sticky Blood, then give them to Bomi /navi gef_d01_i 81/135. She conducts an unsuccessful experiment, finding that mushroom juice isn’t potent enough to purify her toxic blood. Bomi suggests exploring the southern catacombs to locate Jojo.  

11. Talk to Dracula /navi gef_d01_i 189/98. He explains that Bomi saved his life, and he turned her into a vampire to ensure her survival. Dracula asks you to talk to her and understand his reasoning. During the conversation, a King interrupts, sensing trouble nearby.  



12. Speak with the King /navi gef_d01_i 185/97. He detects the scent of human blood and suspects a battle is unfolding nearby.  



13. Follow the King to the site of the battle /navi gef_d01_i 81/135. Witness a conflict where Marina accuses Bomi of attacking others. Bomi insists she’s innocent. In a tense moment, Dracula steps in, taking the blow meant for her. Jojo arrives, clarifying the misunderstanding.  



14. Speak to Bomi again. She reconciles with Dracula, and all doubts are dispelled.  



15. Return to the dungeon’s entrance and talk to Gem /navi gef_d01_i 113/230. She will inform you that they plan to stay and monitor the vampires.  



16. Finally, report back to Grimm /navi gef_dun01 132/223 and recount the events in the catacombs. 




Quest Complete! Rewards: 2,000,000 Base and Job EXP, 5x Illusion Stone.


Daily Quests


Curiosity is Instinct 
Starting NPC : Mojo /navi gef_dun01 134/224


Objectives :  
Collect 10x Dried Yggdrasil Leaff and 10x Suspicious Pentacle for her research.  
Banish 5x Restless Dead, Restless Dead for Priest Grimm.  


Rewards : 500,000 Base and Job EXP, 1x Illusion Stone

Fruits of Hard Study 
Starting NPC : Wizard /navi gef_d01_i 191/96  

Objectives :  
Bring 10x Cluster of Nightmares and 10x Shining Spore to create luminous ooze.  


Rewards : 500,000 Base and Job EXP, 1x  Illusion Stone 

Sweet Dreams 
Starting NPC : Antoine /navi gef_d01_i 116/228


Objectives :  
Collect 20x Wavy Mane and defeat 10x Sweet Nightmare to study dream changes.  


Rewards : 500,000 Base and Job EXP, 1x Illusion Stone 



Time to Lay the Dead to Rest 
Starting NPC : Gem /navi gef_d01_i 113/230


Objectives :  
Defeat 10x of each type of Restless Dead, Restless Dead, Restless Dead to bring peace to the dead.  


Rewards : 500,000 Base and Job EXP, 1x Illusion Stone  

Artificial Blood 
Starting NPC : Wizard /navi gef_d01_i 81/135


Objectives :  
Gather 10x Mushroom Sap and 10x Sticky Blood. Eliminate 5x Matte Drainliar and 5x Neon Mushroom.  


Rewards : 500,000 Base and Job EXP, 1x Illusion Stone 

A Matter of Mood 
Starting NPC :
King /navi gef_d01_i 185/97


Objectives :  
Silence 10x Met Drainliars to appease the King. Collect 20x Short Bat Hair for his acquaintance.  


Rewards : 500,000 Base and Job EXP, 1x Illusion Stone 


Illusion Equipment

Merchant : Great Merchant /navi gef_dun01 139/228  



Find the Great Merchant in the Geffen dungeon. He offers to trade Chimera Stones and other materials for enhanced equipment. Check his catalog for available gear and required materials.  


Weapon Description Crafting Materials
Illusion Infiltrator [2] Class: Katar
Attack: 200
Weight: 150
Weapon Level: 4
Requires Level: 100
Usable By: Guillotine Cross
Def + 3
Flee + 5
Perfect Dodge + 2
Increases physical damage on Demi-Human race targets by 60%.
If upgrade level is +9 or higher,
Additional Flee + 5
Additional Perfect Dodge + 2
If upgrade level is +10 or higher,
Atk + 5%

Set Bonus
Illusion Infiltrator[2]
Illusion Ring[1]
Aspd + 10%
If Illusion Infiltrator[2] upgrade level is +9 or higher,
Increases critical damage on targets by 10%.
If Illusion Infiltrator[2] upgrade level is +11 or higher,
Increases physical damage on Brute race targets by 25%.

80х Illusion Stone

20х Torn Paper

1х +9 Infiltrator [1]

Illusion Sharpened Legbone of Ghoul [2] Class: Katar
Attack: 220
Weight: 170
Weapon Level: 3
Requires Level: 100
Usable By: Guillotine Cross
Adds a 4% chance of transforming the user into Ghoul for 6 seconds when performing a short-ranged attack;
The user's property becomes Undead.
Applies Endure effect for the duration of the transformation.
10х Illusion Stone
100х Cluster of Nightmares
1х +9 Sharpened Legbone of Ghoul
Illusion Wizardry Staff [2] Class: Two-Handed Staff
Attack: 150
Magic Attack: 250
Property: Neutral
Weight: 240
Weapon Level: 4
Requires Level: 100
Usable By: Warlock, Sorcerer
Int + 6
Dex + 2

Additional Int + 1 and Dex + 1 for every 2 upgrade levels of the item up to a maximum upgrade level of 10.

40х Illusion Stone
100х Suspicious Pentacle

1х +9 Wizardry Staff

Химерная баллиста [2] Class: Bow
Attack: 200
Weight: 350
Weapon Level: 4
Requires Level: 100
Usable By: Ranger, Maestro, Wanderer
Increases long-ranged damage on targets by 1% per upgrade level of the item.

Set Bonus
Illusion Ballista[2]
Illusion Apple of Archer[1]
Atk + 50
Increases long-ranged damage on targets by 5%.
If Illusion Ballista[2] and Illusion Apple of Archer[1] upgrade levels are +7 or higher,
Increases the damage of Arrow Storm by 20%.
If the combined upgrade levels of Illusion Ballista[2] and Illusion Apple of Archer[1] upgrade levels are +18 or higher,
Atk + 10%
If the combined upgrade levels of Illusion Ballista[2] and Illusion Apple of Archer[1] upgrade levels are +22 or higher,
Increases the damage of Arrow Storm by an additional 30%.
50х Illusion Stone
100х Shining Spore
1х +9 Ballista [1]
Illusion Book of the Apocalypse [2] Class: Book
Attack: 170
Property: Shadow
Weight: 80
Weapon Level: 4
Requires Level: 100
Usable By: Arch Bishop, Sorcerer
Increases physical damage on Water, Earth, Fire, and Wind property targets by 10%.
Increases physical damage by an additional 10% per 3 upgrade levels of the item up to a maximum upgrade level of 10.

Increases damage taken from Holy property enemies by 30%.

Set Bonus
Illusion Skull Ring[1]
Illusion Book of the Apocalypse[2]
Aspd + 8%
Increases critical damage on targets by 5% for every 2 upgrade levels of Illusion Book of the Apocalypse[2].
If Illusion Book of the Apocalypse[2] upgrade level is +9 or higher,
Crit + 15
Immune to Curse.
If Illusion Book of the Apocalypse[2] upgrade level is +11 or higher,
Atk + 100
50х Illusion Stone
10х Well-dried Clover
1х +9 Book of the Apocalypse
Equipment Description Crafting Materials
Illusion Ancient Cape [1] Class: Garment
Defense: 18
Weight: 60
Requires Level: 100
Usable By: All Jobs except Novice Jobs
Agi + 2
Additional Agi + 1 per 2 upgrade levels of the item up to a maximum upgrade level of 10.

Set Bonus
Illusion Ancient Cape[1]
Illusion Moonlight Dagger[1]
Shadow Chaser Bonus
Matk + 80
If Illusion Ancient Cape[1] and Illusion Moonlight Dagger[1] upgrade levels are +7 or higher,
Additional Matk + 80
If the combined upgrade levels of Illusion Ancient Cape[1] and Illusion Moonlight Dagger[1] are +18 or higher,
Additional Matk + 40
If the combined upgrade levels are +22 or higher,
Increases the damage of Fire property magical attacks on targets by 15%.
30х Illusion Stone
200х Short Bat Hair
1х +9 Ancient Cape [1]
Illusion Skull Ring [1] This accessory can only be equipped in the right accessory slot.
Class: Accessory
Weight: 10
Requires Level: 100
Usable By: All Jobs
Adds a chance of inflicting Curse on the target and the user when performing a short-ranged attack.

Set Bonus
Illusion Skull Ring[1]
Illusion Book of the Apocalypse[2]
Aspd + 8%
Increases critical damage on targets by 5% for every 2 upgrade levels of Illusion Book of the Apocalypse[2].
If Illusion Book of the Apocalypse[2] upgrade level is +9 or higher,
Crit + 15
Immune to Curse.
If Illusion Book of the Apocalypse[2] upgrade level is +11 or higher,
Atk + 100
50х Illusion Stone
400х Dried Yggdrasil Leaf
Skull Ring [1]
Illusion Ring [1] Class: Accessory
Weight: 20
Requires Level: 100
Usable By: All Jobs except Novice Jobs
Str + 3
If the user's base Str is 100 or higher,
Atk + 30

Set Bonus
Illusion Infiltrator[2]
Illusion Ring[1]
Aspd + 10%
If Illusion Infiltrator[2] upgrade level is +9 or higher,
Increases critical damage on targets by 10%.
If Illusion Infiltrator[2] upgrade level is +11 or higher,
Increases physical damage on Brute race targets by 25%.
50х Illusion Stone
400х Suspicious Pentacle
Ring [1]



Monsters of the Dungeon


Monster Level HP Base exp. Job exp.  Element Size Race
Bomi 137 378510 30068 27066 Undead (Lv. 2) Medium Demi-Human
Illusion Dracula 139 6909690 2682753 1817882 Dark (Lv. 4) Large Demon
Restless Dead 130 40984 7242 6354 Undead (Lv. 1) Medium Undead
Restless Dead 133 53926 8378 7894 Undead (Lv. 1) Medium Undead
Restless Dead 136 67379 8844 7874 Undead (Lv. 2) Medium Undead
Matte Drainliar 131 42246 7856 7538 Dark (Lv. 2) Small Brute
Sweet Nightmare 135 61334 8046 8044 Ghost (Lv. 2) Large Demon
Neon Mushroom 130 150000 4874 4568 Earth (Lv. 1) Small Plant